Behind My Paintings

From the whispering forests to the majestic wildlife, my heart has always resonated with the beauty of the natural world. As an introvert, I've found solace in the silent conversations I've had with animals and nature. Every brush stroke on my canvas is an effort to capture the soulful gazes, the playful antics, and the ethereal play of sunlight on fur and feather. My works, predominantly in oil, span across canvases, canvas boards, and recently, gesso board.

The animal kingdom offers a plethora of emotions, and it's the positive ones that I seek to portray — a puppy's joyful leap, a bird's tranquil moment at dusk, or even the serene gaze of a deer. While my paintings exude warmth and often elicit reactions of endearment, I don't bind them in the confines of gravitas. After all, life is too short not to bask in the simple joys and 'cute' moments.

My journey with art has been lifelong, with animals being a constant muse. Yet, it was the enchanting landscapes of Scotland that beckoned me to dive deeper into oil paintings. The rich hues of Monet and the evocative shades of Rembrandt have found their way into my palette, not as imitations but as inspirations. However, my work's true north remains my individualistic style, a voice I've honed over the years.

Behind my art is a legacy. My grandmother, a recognized and accomplished weaver in Latvia, instilled in me an artistic spirit and a drive to create. As I navigate this artistic journey, my dream remains unaltered – to be true to myself, to create freely without external impositions. This vision is fueled by an unwavering support system, especially my husband, who's been my pillar through the ebbs and flows.

Today, as you stand before my paintings, I hope you feel a warmth, a momentary escape, and most importantly, a connection to the souls I've tried to capture. For in each piece, is a story, an emotion, and a piece of my heart.

Eve Sundown

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